Yuki & Moto Press

Gem Series ++ Web Services (HTTP JSON APIs) the Modern Micro Way (Book Edition)

by Gerald Bauer, et al


1. almost-sinatra - Build Your Own (Micro) Webframework From Scratch with Rack and Tilt in Less Than Ten Lines

Six lines of almost sinatra “unobfuscated” and bundled up for easy (re)use

github: rubylibs/almost-sinatra, rubygems: almost-sinatra, rdoc: almost-sinatra ++ more: comments on reddit, please!

What’s Sinatra?

Simple (yet powerful and flexible) micro webframework.

require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
  'Hallo Vienna! Servus Wien!'

Trivia Quiz - Q: How Many Lines of Ruby Code?

What’s Almost Sinatra?

Sinatra refactored, only six lines now. Library dependencies: Tilt and Rack (like Sinatra).
A hack by Konstantin Haase.

%w.rack tilt backports date INT TERM..map{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue require l};$u=Date;$z=($u.new.year + 145).abs;puts "== Almost Sinatra/No Version has taken the stage on #$z for development with backup from Webrick"
$n=Sinatra=Module.new{a,D,S,q=Rack::Builder.new,Object.method(:define_method),/@@ *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m
%w[get post put delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|a.map(u){run->(e){[200,{"Content-Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}
Tilt.default_mapping.lazy_map.map{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h=$u._jisx0301("hash, please");File.read(caller[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);Kernel.const_get(v[0][0]).new(*o){n=="#{n}"?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}}
%w[set enable disable configure helpers use register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try :[]}};END{Rack::Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$z){|s|$r=s}}
%w[params session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send m}};a.use Rack::Session::Cookie;a.use Rack::Lock;D.(:before){|&b|a.use Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|q=Rack::Request.new e;q.params.dup.map{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}}

(Source: almost_sinatra.rb)

Almost Sinatra - A Breakdown Line by Line

Line 1

%w.rack tilt date INT TERM..map{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue require l};$u=Date;$z=($u.new.year + 145).abs;puts "== Almost Sinatra/No Version has taken the stage on #$z for development with backup from Webrick"


require 'rack'
require 'tilt'

trap( 'INT' )  { $server.stop }  # rename $r to $server
trap( 'TERM' ) { $server.stop }

$port = 4567              # rename $z to $port

puts "== Almost Sinatra has taken the stage on #{$port} for development with backup from Webrick"

Aside - What’s rack?

Lets you mix ‘n’ match servers and apps.

Lets you stack apps inside apps inside apps inside apps inside apps.

Good News: A Sinatra app is a Rack app.

Learn more about Rack @ rack.github.io.

Aside - What’s tilt?

Tilt offers a standard “generic” interface for template engines.

Let’s check-up what formats and template engines tilt includes out-of-the-box:

require 'tilt'

Tilt.mappings.each do |ext, engines|
  puts "#{ext.ljust(12)} : #{engines.inspect}"

Will result in:

str          : [Tilt::StringTemplate]
erb          : [Tilt::ErubisTemplate, Tilt::ERBTemplate]
rhtml        : [Tilt::ErubisTemplate, Tilt::ERBTemplate]
erubis       : [Tilt::ErubisTemplate]
etn          : [Tilt::EtanniTemplate]
etanni       : [Tilt::EtanniTemplate]
haml         : [Tilt::HamlTemplate]
sass         : [Tilt::SassTemplate]
scss         : [Tilt::ScssTemplate]
less         : [Tilt::LessTemplate]
rcsv         : [Tilt::CSVTemplate]
coffee       : [Tilt::CoffeeScriptTemplate]
nokogiri     : [Tilt::NokogiriTemplate]
builder      : [Tilt::BuilderTemplate]
mab          : [Tilt::MarkabyTemplate]
liquid       : [Tilt::LiquidTemplate]
radius       : [Tilt::RadiusTemplate]
markdown     : [Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate, Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate::Redcarpet2, Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate::Redcarpet1, Tilt::RDiscountTemplate, Tilt::BlueClothTemplate, Tilt::KramdownTemplate, Tilt::MarukuTemplate]
mkd          : [Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate, Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate::Redcarpet2, Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate::Redcarpet1, Tilt::RDiscountTemplate, Tilt::BlueClothTemplate, Tilt::KramdownTemplate, Tilt::MarukuTemplate]
md           : [Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate, Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate::Redcarpet2, Tilt::RedcarpetTemplate::Redcarpet1, Tilt::RDiscountTemplate, Tilt::BlueClothTemplate, Tilt::KramdownTemplate, Tilt::MarukuTemplate]
textile      : [Tilt::RedClothTemplate]
rdoc         : [Tilt::RDocTemplate]
wiki         : [Tilt::WikiClothTemplate, Tilt::CreoleTemplate]
creole       : [Tilt::CreoleTemplate]
mediawiki    : [Tilt::WikiClothTemplate]
mw           : [Tilt::WikiClothTemplate]
yajl         : [Tilt::YajlTemplate]
ad           : [Tilt::AsciidoctorTemplate]
adoc         : [Tilt::AsciidoctorTemplate]
asciidoc     : [Tilt::AsciidoctorTemplate]
html         : [Tilt::PlainTemplate]

Line 2

$n=Module.new{extend Rack;a,D,S,q=Rack::Builder.new,Object.method(:define_method),/@@ *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m


$n = Module.new do
  app = Rack::Builder.new      # rename a to app
  req = nil                    # rename q to req

Line 3

%w[get post put delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|a.map(u){run->(e){[200,{"Content-Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}


  ['get','post','put','delete'].each do |method|
    define_method method do |path, &block|
      app.map( path ) do
        run ->(env){ [200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/html'}, [app.instance_eval( &block )]]}

Line 4

Tilt.mappings.map{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h=$u._jisx0301("hash, please");File.read(caller[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n=="#{n}"?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}}


  Tilt.mappings.each do |ext, engines|          # rename k to ext and v to engines
    define_method ext do |text, *args|          # rename n to text and o to args
      template = engines[0].new(*args) do
      locals = (args[0].respond_to?(:[]) ? args[0][:locals] : nil) || {}    # was o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{}
      template.render( app, locals )

Commentary: Almost Sinatra will define a method for every format so you can use, for example:

markdown "Strong emphasis, aka bold, with **asterisks** or __underscores__."


erb "Hello <%= name %>!", locals: { name: params['name'] }

Line 5

%w[set enable disable configure helpers use register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try :[]}};END{Rack::Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$z){|s|$r=s}}


  # was END { ... }; change to run! method
  define_method 'run!' do
    Rack::Handler.get('webrick').run( app, Port:$port ) {|server| $server=server }

Line 6

%w[params session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send m}};a.use Rack::Session::Cookie;a.use Rack::Lock;D.(:before){|&b|a.use Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|q=Rack::Request.new e;q.params.dup.map{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}}


  ['params','session'].each do |method|
    define_method method do
      req.send method

  app.use Rack::Session::Cookie
  app.use Rack::Lock
  app.use Rack::Config do |env|
    req = Rack::Request.new( env )
end # Module.new

The Proof of the Pudding - hello.rb


require 'almost-sinatra'

include $n    # include "anonymous" Almost Sinatra DSL module

get '/hello' do
  erb "Hello <%= name %>!", locals: { name: params['name'] }

get '/' do
  markdown <<EOS
## Welcome to Almost Sinatra

A six line ruby hack by Konstantin Haase.

- [Say hello!](/hello?name=Nancy)

Powered by Almost Sinatra (#{Time.now})



$ ruby -I ./lib ./samples/hello.rb

Got Inspired? Build Your Own Microframework

Real World Case Study - webservice library - (Yet Another) HTTP JSON API (Web Service) Builder

Micro “framework” for building HTTP JSON APIs (about 100 lines of code). Example:

get '/beer/:key' do
  Beer.find_by_key! params[ :key ]

get '/brewery/:key' do
  Brewery.find_by_key! params[ :key ]

Bonus: Fun Almost Sinatra Obfuscation Hacks

“Calculate” the Sinatra Port 4567:

(Date.new.year + 145).abs     # Date.new.year always returns -4712, the default value for years
# => 4567

“Get” empty Hash (e.g. {}):

Date._jisx0301("hash, please")
# => {}

2. webservice - Script (Micro) Web Services (HTTP JSON APIs); Load (Micro) Web Services At-Runtime and More

Get a free wiener lager, welsh red ale or kriek lambic beer delivered to your home (computer) in JSON and much much more

github: rubylibs/webservice, rubygems: webservice, rdoc: webservice ++ more: comments on reddit, please!

What’s the webservice library?

The webservice library lets you script HTTP JSON APIs also known as web services or microservices in classy Sinatra 2.0-style get / post methods with Mustermann 1.0 route / url pattern matching.

Dynamic Example

You can load web services at-runtime from files using Webservice.load_file. Example:

# service.rb

get '/' do
  'Hello, world!'


# server.rb

require 'webservice'

App = Webservice.load_file( './service.rb' )

and to run type

$ ruby ./server.rb

Classic Example

# server.rb

require 'webservice'

class App < Webservice::Base
  get '/' do
    'Hello, world!'


and to run type

$ ruby ./server.rb

Rackup Example

Use config.ru and rackup. Example:

# config.ru

require `webservice`

class App < Webservice::Base
  get '/' do
    'Hello, world!'

run App

and to run type

$ rackup      # will (auto-)load config.ru

Note: config.ru is a shortcut (inline) version of Rack::Builder.new do ... end:

# server.rb

require 'webservice'

class App < Webservice::Base
  get '/' do
    'Hello, world!'

builder = Rack::Builder.new do
  run App

Rack::Server.start builder.to_app

and to run type

$ ruby ./server.rb

Bonus - “Real World” Examples


beerkit / beer.db.service - beer.db HTTP JSON API (web service) scripts e.g.

get '/beer/(r|rnd|rand|random)' do    # special keys for random beer

get '/beer/:key'
  Beer.find_by! key: params['key']

get '/brewery/(r|rnd|rand|random)' do    # special keys for random brewery

get '/brewery/:key'
  Brewery.find_by! key: params['key']


worlddb / world.db.service - world.db HTTP JSON API (web service) scripts

get '/countries(.:format)?' do
  Country.by_key.all    # sort/order by key

get '/cities(.:format)?' do
  City.by_key.all       # sort/order by key

get '/tag/:slug(.:format)?' do   # e.g. /tag/north_america.csv
  Tag.find_by!( slug: params['slug'] ).countries


sportdb / sport.db.service - sport.db (football.db) HTTP JSON API (web service) scripts

# to be done

3. worlddb - (Micro) Web Services (HTTP JSON APIs) Case Study - Seven Continents and the Countries of the World

Usage Models

Class Model Diagrams

Everything is a place.

Country Model - Example:

at = Country.find_by! key: 'at'
# => 'Austria'
# => 8_414_638
# => 83_871

# => 9
# => [ 'Wien', 'Niederösterreich', 'Oberösterreich', ... ]

# => [ 'Wien', 'Graz', 'Linz', 'Salzburg', 'Innsbruck' ... ]

City Model - Example:

c = City.find_by! key: 'wien'
# => 'Wien'
# => 'Austria'
# => 'Europe'

la = City.find_by! key: 'losangeles'
# => 'Los Angeles'
# => 'California'
# => 'ca'
# => 'United States'
# => 'us'
# => 'North America'

Tag Model - Example:

euro = Tag.find_by! key: 'euro'
# => 17
# => ['Austria, 'Belgium', 'Cyprus', ... ]

flanders = Tag.find_by! key: 'flanders'
# => 5
# => ['Antwerpen', 'Brabant Wallon', 'Limburg', 'Oost-Vlaanderen', 'West-Vlaanderen']
# => 'Belgium'

and so on.

world.db Web Service (HTTP JSON API) Starter Sample

The worlddb web service starter sample lets you build your own HTTP JSON API using the world.db. Example:

class StarterApp < Webservice::Base

  # Models

  include WorldDb::Models   # e.g. Continent, Country, State, City, etc.

  # Controllers / Routing / Request Handlers

  get '/countries(.:format)?' do
    Country.by_key.all    # sort/order by key

  get '/cities(.:format)?' do
    City.by_key.all       # sort/order by key

  get '/tag/:slug(.:format)?' do   # e.g. /tag/north_america.csv
    Tag.find_by!( slug: params['slug'] ).countries

end # class StarterApp

(Source: app.rb)

Getting Started

Step 1: Install all libraries (Ruby gems) using bundler. Type:

$ bundle install

Step 2: Copy an SQLite database e.g. world.db into your folder.

Step 3: Startup the web service (HTTP JSON API). Type:

$ ruby ./server.rb

That’s it. Open your web browser and try some services running on your machine on port 9292 (e.g. localhost:9292). Example:

List all the world countries (in JSON - the default format):

List all the world countries (in CSV):

List all the world countries (in HTML w/ simple table):

List all cities (in JSON):

List all cities (in CSV):

List all countries tagged with north_america (in JSON):

List all countries tagged with north_america (in CSV):

And so on. Now change the app.rb script to fit your needs. Be bold. Enjoy.

world.db HTTP JSON API (web service) scripts

world.db HTTP JSON API (web service) scripts


You can run any of the scripts using the worlddb command line tool. By default the serve command will look for a script named Service or service.rb (in the working folder, that is, ./). Example:

$ worlddb serve

To run any other script - copy the script into the working folder and pass it along as an argument. Example:

$ worlddb serve starter      #  note: will (auto-)add the .rb extension  or
$ worlddb serve starter.rb

starter.rb - Starter world.db HTTP JSON API

get '/countries(.:format)?' do
  Country.by_key.all    # sort/order by key

get '/cities(.:format)?' do
  City.by_key.all       # sort/order by key

get '/tag/:slug(.:format)?' do   # e.g. /tag/north_america.csv
  Tag.find_by!( slug: params['slug'] ).countries

(Source: world.db.service/starter.rb)

service.rb - Service world.db HTTP JSON API

get '/countries(.:format)?' do
  Country.by_key.all    # sort/order by key

get '/cities(.:format)?' do
  City.by_key.all       # sort/order by key

get '/continents(.:format)?' do

get '/tag/:slug(.:format)?' do      # e.g. /tag/north_america.csv
  Tag.find_by!( slug: params['slug'] ).countries

(Source: world.db.service/service.rb)

4. beerdb - (Micro) Web Services (HTTP JSON APIs) Case Study - Cheers, Prost, Kampai, Na zdravi, Salute, 乾杯, Skål, Egészségedre!

Cheers, Prost, Kampai, Na zdravi, Salute, 乾杯, Skål, Egészségedre!

github: beerkit/beer.db, rubygems: beerdb, rdoc: beerdb ++ more: comments on reddit, please!

What’s the beerdb library?

The beerdb library offers a ready-to-use database schema (in SQL) and models such as - surprise, surprise - Beer, Brewery, Brand and friends (using the ActiveRecord object-relational mapper machinery). Example:

Let’s try the brewery model:

by = Brewery.find_by( key: 'guinness' )

#=> 'St. James's Gate Brewery / Guinness Brewery'

#=> 'ie'

#=> 'Ireland'

#=> 'Dublin'

#=> 'Guinness', 4.2


Or let’s try the beer model:

b = Beer.find_by( key: 'guinness' )

#=> 'Guinness'

b.abv    # that is, alcohol by volume (abv)
#=> 4.2

#=> 'irish_dry_stout', 'dry_stout', 'stout'

#=> 'St. James's Gate Brewery / Guinness Brewery'

What’s it good for? Good question. Let’s build an HTTP JSON service that serves up a Guinness Irish Stout or a Bamberg Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen as JSON? Example - GET /beer/guinness:

  "key": "guinness",
  "title": "Guinness",
  "synonyms": "Guinness Draught",
  "abv": "4.2",
  "srm": null,
  "og": null,
  "tags": ["irish_dry_stout","dry_stout","stout"],
    "key": "guinness",
    "title": "St. James's Gate Brewery / Guinness Brewery"
    "key": "ie",
    "title": "Irland"

Let’s use the Sinatra-like webservice library that offers a mini language, that is, domain-specific language (DSL) that lets you define routes, that is, HTTP methods paired with an URL-matching pattern and much more. For example, you can code the GET /beer/guinness route in the webservice library as get '/beer/guinness'. To make it into a route for any beer lets replace the guinness beer key with a placeholder, thus, resulting in get '/beer/:key'. Let’s run it:


class BeerService < Webservice::Base

  include BeerDb::Models     # lets (re)use the Beer, Brewery, etc. models

  get '/beer/:key' do
    Beer.find_by!( key: params[:key] )


That’s it. Ready to serve. Let’s boot-up the beer service with a web server (e.g. Thin) using a Rack handler. Example:


require 'webservice'      # note: webservice will pull in web server machinery (e.g. rack, thin, etc.)
require 'beerdb/models'   # note: beerdb will pull in database access machinery (e.g. activerecord, etc.)

# database setup 'n' config
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( adapter:  'sqlite3', database: './beer.db' )

require './service'

Rack::Handler::Thin.run BeerService, :Port => 9292


$ ruby ./boot.rb

Open up your browser and try http://localhost:9292/beer/guinness. Voila. Enjoy your Guinness irish stout responsibly.

Bonus: Let’s add brewery details and more

Let’s add brewery details to the beer service and lets add a new GET /brewery route. Example:

get '/beer/:key' do
  beer = Beer.find_by!( key: params[ :key ] )

  brewery = {}
  if beer.brewery.present?
     brewery = { key:   beer.brewery.key,
                 title: beer.brewery.title }

  tags = []
  if beer.tags.present?
     beer.tags.each { |tag| tags << tag.key }

  { key:      beer.key,
    title:    beer.title,
    synonyms: beer.synonyms,
    abv:      beer.abv,
    srm:      beer.srm,
    og:       beer.og,
    tags:     tags,
    brewery:  brewery,
    country:  { key:   beer.country.key,
                title: beer.country.title }

get '/brewery/:key' do

  brewery = Brewery.find_by!( key: params[:key] )

  beers = []
  brewery.beers.each do |b|
    beers << { key: b.key, title: b.title }

  tags = []
  if brewery.tags.present?
     brewery.tags.each { |tag| tags << tag.key }

  { key:      brewery.key,
    title:    brewery.title,
    synonyms: brewery.synonyms,
    since:    brewery.since,
    address:  brewery.address,
    web:      brewery.web,
    tags:     tags,
    beers:    beers,
    country:  { key:   brewery.country.key,
                title: brewery.country.title }

beer.db HTTP JSON API (web service) scripts

beer.db HTTP JSON API (web service) scripts


You can run any of the scripts using the beerdb command line tool. By default the serve command will look for a script named Service or service.rb (in the working folder, that is, ./). Example:

$ beerdb serve

To run any other script - copy the script into the working folder and pass it along as an argument. Example:

$ beerdb serve starter      #  note: will (auto-)add the .rb extension  or
$ beerdb serve starter.rb

starter.rb - Starter beer.db HTTP JSON API

get '/beer/(r|rnd|rand|random)' do     ## special keys for random beer

get '/beer/:key' do
  Beer.find_by! key: params['key']

get '/brewery/(r|rnd|rand|random)' do    ## special keys for random brewery

get '/brewery/:key' do
  Brewery.find_by! key: params['key']

(Source: beer.db.service/starter.rb)

service.rb - Service beer.db HTTP JSON API

get '/' do

  ## self-docu in json
  data = {
    endpoints: {
      get_beer: {
        doc: 'get beer by key',
        url: '/beer/:key'


get '/notes/:key' do |key|

  puts "  handle GET /notes/:key"

  if ['l', 'latest'].include?( key )
     # get latest tasting notes (w/ ratings)
    notes = Note.order( 'updated_at DESC' ).limit(10).all
  elsif ['h', 'hot'].include?( key )
     # get latest tasting notes (w/ ratings)
     # fix: use log algo for "hotness" - for now same as latest
    notes = Note.order( 'updated_at DESC' ).limit(10).all
  elsif ['t', 'top'].include?( key )
    notes = Note.order( 'rating DESC, updated_at DESC' ).limit(10).all
    ### todo: move to /u/:key/notes ??

    # assume it's a user key
    user = User.find_by_key!( key )
    notes = Note.order( 'rating DESC, updated_at DESC' ).where( user_id: user.id ).all

  data = []
  notes.each do |note|
    data << {
       beer: { title:  note.beer.title,
               key:    note.beer.key },
       user: { name:   note.user.name,
               key:    note.user.key },
       rating:      note.rating,
       comments:    note.comments,
       place:       note.place,
       created_at:  note.created_at,
       updated_at:  note.updated_at


get '/notes' do
  if params[:method] == 'post'

    puts "  handle GET /notes?method=post"

    user = User.find_by_key!( params[:user] )
    beer = Beer.find_by_key!( params[:beer] )
    rating = params[:rating].to_i
    place  = params[:place]   # assumes for now a string or nil / pass through as is

    attribs = {
      user_id: user.id,
      beer_id: beer.id,
      rating:  rating,
      place:   place

    note = Note.new
    note.update_attributes!( attribs )

  { status: 'ok' }

get '/drinks/:key' do |key|

  puts "  handle GET /drinks/:key"

  if ['l', 'latest'].include?( key )
     # get latest +1 drinks
     ## todo: order by drunk_at??
    drinks = Drink.order( 'updated_at DESC' ).limit(10).all
    ### todo: move to /u/:key/drinks ??

    # assume it's a user key
    user = User.find_by_key!( key )
    drinks = Drink.order( 'updated_at DESC' ).where( user_id: user.id ).all

  data = []
  drinks.each do |drink|
    data << {
       beer: { title:  drink.beer.title,
               key:    drink.beer.key },
       user: { name:   drink.user.name,
               key:    drink.user.key },
       place:       drink.place,
       drunk_at:    drink.drunk_at,
       created_at:  drink.created_at,
       updated_at:  drink.updated_at


get '/drinks' do
  if params[:method] == 'post'

    puts "  handle GET /drinks?method=post"

    user = User.find_by_key!( params[:user] )
    beer = Beer.find_by_key!( params[:beer] )
    place  = params[:place]   # assumes for now a string or nil / pass through as is

    attribs = {
      user_id: user.id,
      beer_id: beer.id,
      place:   place

    drink = Drink.new
    drink.update_attributes!( attribs )

  { status: 'ok' }

get '/beer/:key' do |key|

  if ['r', 'rnd', 'rand', 'random'].include?( key )
    # special key for random beer
    # Note: use .first (otherwise will get ActiveRelation not Model)
    beer = Beer.rnd.first
    beer = Beer.find_by_key!( key )

get '/brewery/:key' do |key|

  if ['r', 'rnd', 'rand', 'random'].include?( key )
    # special key for random brewery
    # Note: use .first (otherwise will get ActiveRelation not Model)
    brewery = Brewery.rnd.first
    brewery = Brewery.find_by_key!( key )

(Source: beer.db.service/service.rb)

5. sportdb - (Micro) Web Services (HTTP JSON APIs) Case Study - The World's Biggest Event - Russia 2018 - Football World Cup

World Cup - English Premier League - Spanish La Liga - Austrian Bundesliga :-) And Much More

github: sportdb/sport.db, rubygems: sportdb, rdoc: sportdb ++ more: comments on reddit, please!

What’s sportdb?

A library and command line tool that ships with an ready-to-use sport.db SQL schema and ActiveRecord models and (structured) text-to-data readers (parsers).

Usage Models

Quick Starter Sample - Kick Off

Let’s get started with the Quick Starter Sample. Welcome to the Mauritius Premier Football League. Lets create your own (structured) text datasets from scratch and read it all into your SQL database of choice (e.g. SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.) with a single command e.g.:

$ sportdb build

Let’s get started. Follow along these six steps:

Using a file structure like:

├── 2014-15              # 2014-15 season folder
|   ├── league-i.txt     #   match fixtures / results - matchdays  1-18
|   ├── league-ii.txt    #                            - matchdays 19-36
|   └── league.yml       #   "front matter" settings
├── setups
|   └── all.txt          #   file list (manifest)
├── leagues.txt          # all leagues
├── clubs.txt            # all clubs
└── Datafile             # build script

Step 1: Add all leagues

Example - leagues.txt:

mu, Mauritius Premier League

Step 2: Add all clubs

The Mauritius Premier League includes ten clubs.

Example - clubs.txt:

joachim,       Cercle de Joachim|Cercle de Joachim SC|Joachim,              CDJ
chamarel,      Chamarel|Chamarel SC,                                        CHA
curepipesc,    Curepipe Starlight|Curepipe SC|Starlight,                    CUR
entente,       Entente Boulet Rouge|Entente Boulet Rouge-Riche Mare Rovers, EBR
lacure,        La Cure Sylvester|La Cure,                                   LCS
pamplemousses, Pamplemousses|Pamplemousses SC,                              PPM
petiteriv,     Petite Rivière Noire|Petite Rivière,                         PRN
aspl,          AS Port-Louis 2000|ASPL 2000,                                APL
qbornes,       AS Quatre Bornes|Quatre Bornes,                              AQB
rempart,       AS Rivière du Rempart|Rivière du Rempart,                    ARR

Note: Use the pipe (|) to list alternative names.

Step 3: Add all match fixtures and results

Example - 2014-15/league-i.txt:

Matchday 1
[Wed Nov/5]
  Curepipe Starlight    1-3  Petite Rivière Noire
  AS Quatre Bornes      1-0  La Cure Sylvester
  Pamplemousses         0-1  Rivière du Rempart
  AS Port-Louis 2000    5-1  Entente Boulet Rouge
  Chamarel FC           2-3  Cercle de Joachim

Matchday 2
[Sun Nov/9]
  Curepipe Starlight    2-1  AS Quatre Bornes
  Entente Boulet Rouge  1-2  Chamarel FC
  Rivière du Rempart    1-1  AS Port-Louis 2000
  La Cure Sylvester     1-2  Pamplemousses
  Petite Rivière Noire  2-0  Cercle de Joachim

Matchday 3
[Wed Nov/12]
  Chamarel FC           1-1  Rivière du Rempart
  AS Port-Louis 2000    1-0  La Cure Sylvester
  Cercle de Joachim     2-2  Entente Boulet Rouge
  Pamplemousses         0-4  Curepipe Starlight
  AS Quatre Bornes      1-2  Petite Rivière Noire

Matchday 4
[Sun Nov/16]
  Petite Rivière Noire  4-1  Entente Boulet Rouge
  Rivière du Rempart    1-1  Cercle de Joachim
  La Cure Sylvester     0-0  Chamarel FC
  Curepipe Starlight    0-0  AS Port-Louis 2000
  AS Quatre Bornes      1-0  Pamplemousses


Step 4: Add the league season “front matter” settings

Example - 2014-15/league.yml:

league:   mu
season:   2014/15
start_at: 2014-11-05

- league-i
- league-ii

10 teams:
- Cercle de Joachim
- AS Port-Louis 2000
- Pamplemousses
- Curepipe Starlight
- Petite Rivière Noire
- Rivière du Rempart
- AS Quatre Bornes
- Chamarel SC
- La Cure Sylvester
- Entente Boulet Rouge

Step 5: Add a setups file list (also known as manifest)

Example - setups/all.txt:


Step 6: Add a datafile build script - That’s it. Done.

Example - Datafile:

## a) Add country e.g. Mauritius

inline do
  Country.parse 'mu', 'Mauritius', 'MUS', '2_040 km²', '1_261_200'

## b) Read in all football datasets in ./mu-mauritius (defaults to setups/all.txt)

football 'mu-mauritius'

Now try in your working folder:

$ sportdb build

This will read in the ./Datafile and

That’s it. Try:

$ sqlite3 sport.db

SQLite version 3.7.16
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"

sqlite> .tables

alltime_standing_entries  events_grounds            names
alltime_standings         events_teams              parts
assocs                    games                     persons
assocs_assocs             goals                     places
badges                    grounds                   props
cities                    group_standing_entries    rosters
continents                group_standings           rounds
counties                  groups                    seasons
countries                 groups_teams              states
country_codes             langs                     taggings
districts                 leagues                   tags
event_standing_entries    logs                      teams
event_standings           metros                    usages
events                    munis                     zones

sqlite> select * from countries;


sqlite> select * from teams;

1|joachim|Cercle de Joachim||CDJ|Cercle de Joachim SC|Joachim||t|||||f|
2|chamarel|Chamarel SC||CHA|Chamarel|Chamarel Sport Club||t|||||f|
3|curepipesc|Curepipe Starlight||CUR|Curepipe Starlight SC||t|||||f|
4|entente|Entente Boulet Rouge||EBR|Entente Boulet Rouge SC|Entente Boulet Rouge-Riche Mare Rovers||t|||||f|
5|lacure|La Cure Sylvester||LCS|La Cure Sylvester SC|La Cure||t|||||f|
6|pamplemousses|Pamplemousses||PPM|Pamplemousses SC||t|||||f|
7|petiteriv|Petite Rivière Noire||PRN|Petite Rivière Noire SC|Petite Rivière||t|||||f|
8|aspl|AS Port-Louis 2000||APL|ASPL 2000|Port-Louis 2000|Association Sportive Port-Louis 2000||t|||||f|
9|qbornes|AS Quatre Bornes||AQB|ASQB|Quatre Bornes||t|||||f|
10|rempart|Rivière du Rempart||ARR|AS Rivière du Rempart||t|||||f|
11|pointauxsables|Pointe-aux-Sables Mates|||||t|||||f|
12|savanne|Savanne SC|||Savanne Sporting Club||t|||||f|

And so on.

Bonus: Football World Cup 2018 - Russia 2018 Datasets

In the openfootball/world-cup you find ready-to-use (free, public domain) datasets for all world cups including the upcoming world cup 2018 in Russia. Example - 2018–russia/cup.txt:

# World Cup 2018 Russia

Group A  |  Russia       Saudi Arabia         Egypt          Uruguay
Group B  |  Portugal     Spain                Morocco        Iran
Group C  |  France       Australia            Peru           Denmark
Group D  |  Argentina    Iceland              Croatia        Nigeria
Group E  |  Brazil       Switzerland          Costa Rica     Serbia
Group F  |  Germany      Mexico               Sweden         South Korea
Group G  |  Belgium      Panama               Tunisia        England
Group H  |  Poland       Senegal              Colombia       Japan

Matchday 1  |  Thu Jun/14
Matchday 2  |  Fri Jun/15
Matchday 3  |  Sat Jun/16


Group A:

(1) Thu Jun/14 18:00      Russia  -  Saudi Arabia    @ Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow (UTC+3)
(2) Fri Jun/15 17:00      Egypt   -  Uruguay         @ Central Stadium, Yekaterinburg (UTC+5)


6. feedparser - Meet Jason Feed - The Universal Content (Micro) Web Service (HTTP JSON API) - The Future of Publishing 'n' Online News

The Future of Online News - The Future of Facebook & Co - Web Feeds, Web Feeds, Web Feeds

github: feedparser/feedparser, rubygems: feedparser, rdoc: feedparser ++ more: comments on reddit, please!

What’s a web feed?

A web feed (or news feed) is a (simple) document/text format that:

(1) lets you publish a list of:

and that

(2) lets others subscribe to your updates.


    "version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1",
    "title": "Jason Fried's Microblog",
    "home_page_url": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/",
    "feed_url": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/feed.json",
    "author": {
        "name": "Jason Fried",
        "url": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/",
        "avatar": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/avatar.png"
    "items": [
            "id": "865767227416612864",
            "url": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/status/865767227416612864",
            "content_text": "JSON Feed? I know that guy.",
            "date_published": "2017-05-19T20:12:00-00:00"

Aside: The Wonders of RSS - What’s RSS!?

Triva Quiz - Q: What’s RSS?

RDF = Resource Description Framework

Trivia Quiz - Find the Content - Q: What’s your favorite way to add content in hypertext to RSS 2.0?

Bonus: Is your content in plain text, in html, in xhtml, in html escaped? Is your content a summary? or full text?

The State of Web Feed Formats in 2017 - XML, JSON, YAML, HTML, TXT

Let’s celebrate diversity! Live and let live! Web feed formats today in 2017 include:

And some more.

What’s the feedparser library?

One library to rule them all! All your base are blong to feedparser.

In the end all formats are just 0 and 1s or:

=> Let your computer handle the reading of web feeds ;-).

Read Feed Example

require 'open-uri'
require 'feedparser'

txt = open( 'http://openfootball.github.io/feed.xml' ).read

feed = FeedParser::Parser.parse( txt )

puts feed.title
# => "football.db - Open Football Data"

puts feed.url
# => "http://openfootball.github.io/"

puts feed.items[0].title
# => "football.db - League Quick Starter Sample - Mauritius Premier League - Create Your Own Repo/League(s) from Scratch"

puts feed.items[0].url
# => "http://openfootball.github.io/2015/08/30/league-quick-starter.html"

puts feed.items[0].updated
# => Sun, 30 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +0000

puts feed.items[0].content
# => "Added a new quick starter sample using the Mauritius Premier League to get you started..."


or reading a feed in the new JSON Feed format in - surprise, surprise - JSON; note: nothing changes :-)

txt = open( 'http://openfootball.github.io/feed.json' ).read

feed = FeedParser::Parser.parse( txt )

puts feed.title
# => "football.db - Open Football Data"

puts feed.url
# => "http://openfootball.github.io/"

puts feed.items[0].title
# => "football.db - League Quick Starter Sample - Mauritius Premier League - Create Your Own Repo/League(s) from Scratch"

puts feed.items[0].url
# => "http://openfootball.github.io/2015/08/30/league-quick-starter.html"

puts feed.items[0].updated
# => Sun, 30 Aug 2015 00:00:00 +0000

puts feed.items[0].content_text
# => "Added a new quick starter sample using the Mauritius Premier League to get you started..."



Microformats let you mark up feeds and posts in HTML with h-entry, h-feed, and friends.

Note: Microformats support in feedparser is optional. Install and require the the microformats library to read feeds in HTML with Microformats.

require 'microformats'

text =<<HTML
<article class="h-entry">
  <h1 class="p-name">Microformats are amazing</h1>
  <p>Published by
    <a class="p-author h-card" href="http://example.com">W. Developer</a>
     on <time class="dt-published" datetime="2013-06-13 12:00:00">13<sup>th</sup> June 2013</time>

  <p class="p-summary">In which I extoll the virtues of using microformats.</p>

  <div class="e-content">
    <p>Blah blah blah</p>

feed = FeedParser::Parser.parse( text )

puts feed.format
# => "html"
puts feed.items.size
# =>  1
puts feed.items[0].authors.size
# => 1
puts feed.items[0].content_html  
# => "<p>Blah blah blah</p>"
puts feed.items[0].content_text  
# => "Blah blah blah"
puts feed.items[0].title
# => "Microformats are amazing"
puts feed.items[0].summary
# => "In which I extoll the virtues of using microformats."
puts feed.items[0].published
# => 2013-06-13 12:00:00
puts feed.items[0].authors[0].name
# => "W. Developer"


Feed Reader

Planet Feed Reader in 20 Lines of Ruby


require 'open-uri'
require 'feedparser'
require 'erb'

# step 1) read a list of web feeds


items = []

FEED_URLS.each do |url|
  feed = FeedParser::Parser.parse( open( url ).read )
  items += feed.items

# step 2) mix up all postings in a new page

<% items.each do |item| %>
  <div class="item">
    <h2><a href="<%= item.url %>"><%= item.title %></a></h2>
    <div><%= item.content %></div>
<% end %>

puts ERB.new( FEED_ITEM_TEMPLATE ).result

Run the script:

$ ruby ./planet.rb      


<div class="item">
  <h2><a href="http://vienna-rb.at/blog/2017/11/06/picks/">Picks / what the vienna.rb team thinks is worth sharing this week</a></h2>
   <h3>6/11 Picks!!</h3>
   <p>In a series on this website we'll entertain YOU with our picks...

Real World Usage

See the Planet Pluto feed reader family:

7. json-next - Comments, Please! - JSON 1.0, JSON 1.1, JSON What's Next?

HANSON.parse, SON.parse, JSONX.parse

github: json-next/json-next, rubygems: json-next, rdoc: json-next ++ more: comments on reddit, please!

What’s missing in JSON?

  1. Comments, Comments, Comments
  2. Unquoted Keys
  3. Multi-Line Strings
    • a) Folded – Folds Newlines
    • b) Unfolded
  4. Trailing Commas in Arrays and Objects



Fixing JSON - Comments, Please!

We can easily agree on what’s wrong with JSON, and I can’t help wondering if it’d be worth fixing it.

– Tim Bray (Fixing JSON)

XML already does everything JSON does! And there’s no way to differentiate between nodes and attributes! And there are no namespaces! And no schemas! What’s the point of JSON?

– Anonymous

We need to fix engineers that try to ‘fix JSON’, absolutely nothing is broken with JSON.

– Anonymous

What’s the json-next library?

The json-next library lets you convert and read (parse) next generation json versions including: HanSON e.g. HANSON.parse, SON e.g. SON.parse, JSONX e.g. JSONX.parse.


HanSON - JSON for Humans by Tim Jansen et al

HanSON is an extension of JSON with a few simple additions to the spec:


  listName: "Sesame Street Monsters", // note that listName needs no quotes
  content: [
      name: "Cookie Monster",
      /* Note the template quotes and unescaped regular quotes in the next string */
      background: `Cookie Monster used to be a
monster that ate everything, especially cookies.
These days he is forced to eat "healthy" food.`
    }, {
      // You can single-quote strings too:
      name: 'Herry Monster',
      background: `Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.
He's mostly retired today.`
    },    // don't worry, the trailing comma will be ignored

Use HANSON.convert to convert HanSON text to ye old’ JSON text:

  "listName": "Sesame Street Monsters",       
  "content": [
    { "name": "Cookie Monster",
       "background": "Cookie Monster used to be a\n ... to eat \"healthy\" food."
    { "name": "Herry Monster",
      "background": "Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.\n ... today."

Use HANSON.parse instead of JSON.parse to parse text to ruby hash / array / etc.:

  "listName" => "Sesame Street Monsters",
  "content" => [
     { "name" => "Cookie Monster",
       "background" => "Cookie Monster used to be a\n ... to eat \"healthy\" food."
     { "name" => "Herry Monster",
       "background" => "Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.\n ... today."


SON - Simple Object Notation by Aleksander Gurin et al

Simple data format similar to JSON, but with some minor changes:

JSON is compatible with SON in a sense that JSON data is also SON data, but not vise versa.


  # Personal information

  "name": "Alexander Grothendieck"
  "fields": "mathematics"
  "main_topics": [
    "Etale cohomology"
    "Topos theory"
  "numbers": [1 2 3 4]
  "mixed": [1.1 -2 true false null]

Use SON.convert to convert SON text to ye old’ JSON text:

  "name": "Alexander Grothendieck",
  "fields": "mathematics",
  "main_topics": [
    "Etale cohomology",
    "Topos theory",
  "numbers": [1, 2, 3, 4],
  "mixed": [1.1, -2, true, false, null]

Use SON.parse instead of JSON.parse to parse text to ruby hash / array / etc.:

  "name" => "Alexander Grothendieck",
  "fields" => "mathematics",
  "main_topics" =>
    ["Etale cohomology", "Motives", "Topos theory", "Schemes"],
  "numbers" => [1, 2, 3, 4],
  "mixed" => [1.1, -2, true, false, nil]    


JSON with Extensions or JSON v1.1 (a.k.a. JSON11 or JSON XI or JSON II)

Includes all JSON extensions from HanSON:

Plus all JSON extensions from SON:

Plus some more extra JSON extensions:


  #  use shell-like (or ruby-like) comments

  listName: "Sesame Street Monsters"   # note: comments after key-value pairs are optional  
  content: [
      name: "Cookie Monster"
      // note: the template quotes and unescaped regular quotes in the next string
      background: `Cookie Monster used to be a
monster that ate everything, especially cookies.
These days he is forced to eat "healthy" food.`
    }, {
      // You can single-quote strings too:
      name: 'Herry Monster',
      background: `Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.
He's mostly retired today.`
    },    /* don't worry, the trailing comma will be ignored  */

Use JSONX.convert (or JSONXI.convert or JSON11.convert or JSONII.convert) to convert JSONX text to ye old’ JSON text:

  "listName": "Sesame Street Monsters",       
  "content": [
    { "name": "Cookie Monster",
       "background": "Cookie Monster used to be a\n ... to eat \"healthy\" food."
    { "name": "Herry Monster",
      "background": "Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.\n ... today."

Use JSONX.parse (or JSONXI.parse or JSON11.parse or JSONII.parse) instead of JSON.parse to parse text to ruby hash / array / etc.:

  "listName" => "Sesame Street Monsters",
  "content" => [
     { "name" => "Cookie Monster",
       "background" => "Cookie Monster used to be a\n ... to eat \"healthy\" food."
     { "name" => "Herry Monster",
       "background" => "Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.\n ... today."

Live Examples

require 'json/next'

text1 =<<TXT
  listName: "Sesame Street Monsters", // note that listName needs no quotes
  content: [
      name: "Cookie Monster",
      /* Note the template quotes and unescaped regular quotes in the next string */
      background: `Cookie Monster used to be a
monster that ate everything, especially cookies.
These days he is forced to eat "healthy" food.`
    }, {
      // You can single-quote strings too:
      name: 'Herry Monster',
      background: `Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.
He's mostly retired today.`
    },    // don't worry, the trailing comma will be ignored

pp HANSON.parse( text1 )  # note: is the same as JSON.parse( HANSON.convert( text ))

resulting in:

  "listName" => "Sesame Street Monsters",
  "content" => [
     { "name" => "Cookie Monster",
       "background" => "Cookie Monster used to be a\n ... to eat \"healthy\" food."
     { "name" => "Herry Monster",
       "background" => "Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.\n ... today."


text2 =<<TXT
  # Personal information

  "name": "Alexander Grothendieck"
  "fields": "mathematics"
  "main_topics": [
    "Etale cohomology"
    "Topos theory"
  "numbers": [1 2 3 4]
  "mixed": [1.1 -2 true false null]

pp SON.parse( text2 )  # note: is the same as JSON.parse( SON.convert( text ))

resulting in:

  "name" => "Alexander Grothendieck",
  "fields" => "mathematics",
  "main_topics" =>
    ["Etale cohomology", "Motives", "Topos theory", "Schemes"],
  "numbers" => [1, 2, 3, 4],
  "mixed" => [1.1, -2, true, false, nil]    


text3 =<<TXT
  #  use shell-like (or ruby-like) comments

  listName: "Sesame Street Monsters"   # note: comments after key-value pairs are optional  
  content: [
      name: "Cookie Monster"
      // note: the template quotes and unescaped regular quotes in the next string
      background: `Cookie Monster used to be a
monster that ate everything, especially cookies.
These days he is forced to eat "healthy" food.`
    }, {
      // You can single-quote strings too:
      name: 'Herry Monster',
      background: `Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.
He's mostly retired today.`
    },    /* don't worry, the trailing comma will be ignored  */

pp JSONX.parse( text3 )   # note: is the same as JSON.parse( JSONX.convert( text ))
pp JSONXI.parse( text3 )  # note: is the same as JSON.parse( JSONXI.convert( text ))
pp JSON11.parse( text3 )  # note: is the same as JSON.parse( JSON11.convert( text ))
pp JSONII.parse( text3 )  # note: is the same as JSON.parse( JSONII.convert( text ))

resulting in:

  "listName" => "Sesame Street Monsters",
  "content" => [
     { "name" => "Cookie Monster",
       "background" => "Cookie Monster used to be a\n ... to eat \"healthy\" food."
     { "name" => "Herry Monster",
       "background" => "Herry Monster is a furry blue monster with a purple nose.\n ... today."

Bonus: More JSON Formats

See the Awesome JSON (What’s Next?) collection / page.

8. feedtxt - TXT is the new JSON Case Study - Feeds in Text (Unicode) - Publish 'n' Share Posts, Articles, Podcasts, 'n' More

github: feedtxt/feedtxt, rubygems: feedtxt, rdoc: feedtxt


Use Feedtxt.parse to read / parse feeds in text using the Feed.TXT format also known as RSS (Really Simple Sharing) 5.0 ;-). The parse method will return an array:

[ feed_metadata,
    [ item_metadata, item_content ],
    [ item_metadata, item_content ],

Easier to see it in action. Let’s read in:

require 'feedtxt'

text =<<TXT
title:          "My Example Feed"
home_page_url:  "https://example.org/"
feed_url:       "https://example.org/feed.txt"
id:  "2"
url: "https://example.org/second-item"
This is a second item.
id:  "1"
url: "https://example.org/initial-post"
Hello, world!

feed = Feedtxt.parse( text )
pp feed

resulting in:

  {"title"        =>"My Example Feed",
   "feed_url"     =>"https://example.org/feed.txt"
     {"id" =>"2",
     "This is a second item."
     "Hello, world!"

and use like:

feed_metadata = feed[0]
feed_items    = feed[1]

feed_metadata[ 'title' ]
# => "My Example Feed"
feed_metadata[ 'feed_url' ]
# => "https://example.org/feed.txt"

item          = feed_items[0]   # or feed[1][0]
item_metadata = item[0]         # or feed[1][0][0]
item_content  = item[1]         # or feed[1][0][1]

item_metadata[ 'id' ]
# => "2"
item_metadata[ 'url' ]
# => "https://example.org/second-item"
# => "This is a second item."

item          = feed_items[1]    # or feed[1][1]
item_metadata = item[0]          # or feed[1][1][0]
item_content  = item[1]          # or feed[1][1][1]

item_metadata[ 'id' ]
# => "1"
item_metadata[ 'url' ]
# => "https://example.org/initial-post"
# => "Hello, world!"

Another example. Let’s try a podcast:

text =<<TXT
comment: "This is a podcast feed. You can add..."
title:   "The Record"
home_page_url: "http://therecord.co/"
feed_url:      "http://therecord.co/feed.txt"
id:        "http://therecord.co/chris-parrish"
title:     "Special #1 - Chris Parrish"
url:       "http://therecord.co/chris-parrish"
summary:   "Brent interviews Chris Parrish, co-host of The Record and one-half of Aged & Distilled."
published: 2014-05-09T14:04:00-07:00
- url:           "http://therecord.co/downloads/The-Record-sp1e1-ChrisParrish.m4a"
  mime_type:     "audio/x-m4a"
  size_in_bytes: 89970236
  duration_in_seconds: 6629
Chris has worked at [Adobe][1] and as a founder of Rogue Sheep, which won an Apple Design Award for Postage.
Chris's new company is Aged & Distilled with Guy English - which shipped [Napkin](2),
a Mac app for visual collaboration. Chris is also the co-host of The Record.
He lives on [Bainbridge Island][3], a quick ferry ride from Seattle.

[1]: http://adobe.com/
[2]: http://aged-and-distilled.com/napkin/
[3]: http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/

feed = Feedtxt.parse( text )
pp feed

resulting in:

[{"comment"=>"This is a podcast feed. You can add...",
  "title"=>"The Record",
     "title"=>"Special #1 - Chris Parrish",
     "summary"=>"Brent interviews Chris Parrish, co-host of The Record and...",
     "published"=>2014-05-09 23:04:00 +0200,
     "Chris has worked at [Adobe][1] and as a founder of Rogue Sheep..."

and use like:

feed_metadata = feed[0]
feed_items    = feed[1]

feed_metadata[ 'title' ]
# => "The Record"
feed_metadata[ 'feed_url' ]
# => "http://therecord.co/feed.txt"

item          = feed_items[0]  # or feed[1][0]
item_metadata = item[0]        # or feed[1][0][0]
item_content  = item[1]        # or feed[1][0][1]

item_metadata[ 'title' ]
# => "Special #1 - Chris Parrish"
item_metadata[ 'url' ]
# => "http://therecord.co/chris-parrish
# => "Chris has worked at [Adobe][1] and as a founder of Rogue Sheep..."

Alternative Meta Data Formats

Note: Feed.TXT supports alternative formats / styles for meta data blocks. For now YAML, JSON and INI style are built-in and shipping with the feedtxt gem. To use a format-specific parser use:

Note: Feedtxt.parse will handle all formats auto-magically, that is, it will check the text for the best matching (first) feed begin marker to find out what meta data format parser to use:

YAML \|>>>
JSON \|{
INI [>>>

Or use the built-in text pattern (regular expression) constants to find out:

# => "^[ ]*\\|>>>+[ ]*$"
# => "^[ ]*\\|{+[ ]*$"
# => "^[ ]*\\[>>>+[ ]*$"

JSON Example

"title":          "My Example Feed",
"home_page_url":  "https://example.org/",
"feed_url":       "https://example.org/feed.txt"
"id":  "2",
"url": "https://example.org/second-item"
This is a second item.
"id":  "1",
"url": "https://example.org/initial-post"
Hello, world!

Note: Use |{ and }| to begin and end your Feed.TXT. Use }/{ for first or next item and }-{ for meta blocks inside items.

(Source: feeds/spec/example.json.txt)

INI Example

title         = My Example Feed
home_page_url = https://example.org/
feed_url      = https://example.org/feed.txt
id  = 2
url = https://example.org/second-item
This is a second item.
id  = 1
url = https://example.org/initial-post
Hello, world!


title:         My Example Feed
home_page_url: https://example.org/
feed_url:      https://example.org/feed.txt
id:  2
url: https://example.org/second-item
This is a second item.
id:  1
url: https://example.org/initial-post
Hello, world!

(Source: feeds/spec/example.ini.txt)

Note: Use [>>> and <<<] to begin and end your Feed.TXT. Use </> for first or next item and --- for meta blocks inside items.

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